Feb 13, 2012

Looking for Motivated and Curious People to Secure the Future of Food and Agriculture!

I know I am biased, but the University of Wisconsin Extension - Cooperative Extension remains the "premiere" place in the world to pursue a meaningful career that serves agriculture and the state's residents while also working to protect and maintain our precious natural resources.

I can say this with confidence based on our strong connection and deep relationships with every one of the state's 72 counties. In addition, the University of Wisconsin System has a deep-rooted and historical commitment to agriculture, natural resources, and environmentally-focused programs which is second to none. Our work and spirit of service and excellence is based on our never-ending pursuit of the Wisconsin Idea as well as our prominent rankings nationally and internationally*.

Over the last many months, we've worked with caution and in financially conservative ways with our county partners as we strategically move forward to fill some of our critical open positions.  These include agriculture agents who will serve some of Wisconsin's most important agricultural counties.  The UWEX Jobs site highlights agriculture and natural resource-oriented local positions in Sheboygan, Trempealeau, and Pepin counties -- all with rapidly approaching closing dates.

You will soon be seeing additional announcements as we release full-time positions for Sauk, Columbia, and Marathon counties.

Regardless of your role -- whether it's county agricultural agent, campus-based specialist, or agricultural leader/communicator in Wisconsin or nearby places, I'd love your help in getting the word out.  We are committed in our efforts to recruit the best and brightest to apply for these and future positions both on campus and in local Wisconsin communities. 

Please encourage people to visit: http://www.uwex.edu/ces/hr/alljobs.cfm

Despite all of the challenges we face as a state (and nation), I remain convinced that Wisconsin is THE place in the U.S. to come for people interested in fully serving the Land Grant Mission that UW-Extension (as well as Madison, River Falls, and Platteville) have been fully engaged in and leading over the past 100 years!

*Link to "Rankings" goes to UW-Madison's Animal Science AND Dairy Sciences rankings.  You can also use the links on this page to get to other disciplines in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences such as Agricultural Economics, Entomology, Food Science, and others.